News & Updates for Milwaukee Aquatics
Here is what is going on at Milwaukee Aquatics. We hope you will find this helpful and informative.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or suggestions.
Thank you!
Milwaukee Aquatics
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or suggestions.
Thank you!
Milwaukee Aquatics
New (in the last 7-14 days)
Here are some of the inventory that we received the last couple of weeks...
Please contact us if you are interested in any of them.
Coral Beauty Angelfish
Koran Angelfish (juvenile)
Emperor/Imperator Angelfish (juvenile)
Flame Angelfish
Maroon clownfish (tank raised)
Kupang damsel
Green Mandarin Dragonette
Ruby Red Dragonette
Helfrichi Firefish
Engineer Goby
Firefish Goby
Scissortail Goby
Porcupine Puffer
Blue Hippo Tang "Dory"
Blonde Naso Tang
Chocolate Tang
Clown Tang
Convict Tang
Powder Blue Tang
Powder Brown Tang
Vlamingi Tang
White Cheek Tang
Blueline Trigger
Pintail Fairy Wrasse (male)
Sixline Wrasse
Yellow Coris Wrasse
Inverts & Corals:
Acid Wash Bubble anemone
Assorted frags - zoas, palys, monti, hammers, torches, polyps, etc;
Purple Bonzai Acro (Aus.)
Duncanops (Australia)
Emerald Crab
Red Leg Reef Hermit Crab (Pacific)
Purple Neon Eye Goniopora (flowerpot)
Red Goniopora (flowerpot/Tonga)
Toxic Green Goniopora (flowerpot)
Metallic Green Hammer (Branch/Tonga)
Pacific Orange Ricordea mushroom
Aqua Orange Ricordea mushroom
Peppermint Shrimp
Fire Shrimp
Brittle Starfish (tiger)
Chocolate Chip Starfish
Orange Tip Torch (Cristata)
Freshwater Plants:
Assorted Plants - Anubius, Anubius on lava rock, Assorted Crypts (WENDTII DE WITT (RED), SAGITTARIA-BROADLEAF, Duckweed, Java Moss, Dwarf hairgrass, Hornwort, LIMNOPHILLA AROMATICA, Tiger Lotus (red), Monte Carlo, Moss Balls, Red Rubin & Vesuvius swords, & more...
Freshwater Fish:
Koi, Fancy veils, & Panda Angelfish
Jardini Arowana (approx. 5 inches)
Silver Arowana (approx. 5 inches)
Globarbs, gold barbs, odessa barbs, tiger barbs
Redtail Barracuda
Indonesian bettas (males, females, pairs) - these are gorgeous!
Bumblebee Catfish
Flash Plecostomus
Gold/Green Cory Catfish
Honeycomb catfish
Hoplo Catfish
Marble catfish (african)
Yellow (L200) pleco (medium and XL)
Black Belt Cichlid
Bolivian Ram Cichlid
Electric Blue Ram
Friedrichstahlii Cichlid
Red Devil Cichlids (approx. 6 inches)
Assorted danios (giant, lepoard, etc;)
Silver (Quad) Dat
Blue Royal Discus
Ocean Green Discus
Red Melon Discus
Red Pigeon Stone Discus
Turquoise Discus
Yellow Melon Discus
Dovii (baby)
Cherry Dragon Flowerhorn (large & XL)
Thai Silk Flowerhorn
Assorted Goldfish, Orandas, Pearlscale Orandas, Lionhead Orandas, Gold/Black Orandas
Peacock Gudgeon Goby
Assorted gourami
Fancy guppies
Hifin Loach
Lemon Oscars
Blood red parrotfish
Lemon Jake Peacock
Eureka Red Peacock
OB Peacock
Nyrei (XL)
Frontosa (XL)
Redtail & Rainbow Sharks
Roseline Sharks
Bleeding Blue Tetras
Glofish Tetras
Neon Tetras (large, XL, Jumbo, Black)
Rummynose Tetras
Silver Dollar Tetras - nice size!
Tiger Barbs
Longtail swordtails
Koi swordtails
Freshwater Inverts:
Red Claw Mackeral Shrimp Snails - Ivory, Mystery, Nerite (red, tiger, zebra), Purple,
Blue velvet, Blacki Rili, Green, Orange, Yellow Shrimp
Supplies, Aquariums, etc;
used 110 gallon reef ready aquarium
used 75 gallon reef ready frag aquarium
base rock
API - General cure, fungus cure, fungus guard, test kits, etc;
DB PROMAXX 1200 OVRFLW BOX - Sale $55 (new)
Hikari - Cichlid food, carnivore sticks, bloodworms, spirulina brine shrimp, beefheart, silverslides
Okiko - flowerhorn food (red and platinum)
Seachem - flourish, prime, fuel, reef fusion, purigen, metroplex, kanaplex, etc;
Here are some of the inventory that we received the last couple of weeks...
Please contact us if you are interested in any of them.
Coral Beauty Angelfish
Koran Angelfish (juvenile)
Emperor/Imperator Angelfish (juvenile)
Flame Angelfish
Maroon clownfish (tank raised)
Kupang damsel
Green Mandarin Dragonette
Ruby Red Dragonette
Helfrichi Firefish
Engineer Goby
Firefish Goby
Scissortail Goby
Porcupine Puffer
Blue Hippo Tang "Dory"
Blonde Naso Tang
Chocolate Tang
Clown Tang
Convict Tang
Powder Blue Tang
Powder Brown Tang
Vlamingi Tang
White Cheek Tang
Blueline Trigger
Pintail Fairy Wrasse (male)
Sixline Wrasse
Yellow Coris Wrasse
Inverts & Corals:
Acid Wash Bubble anemone
Assorted frags - zoas, palys, monti, hammers, torches, polyps, etc;
Purple Bonzai Acro (Aus.)
Duncanops (Australia)
Emerald Crab
Red Leg Reef Hermit Crab (Pacific)
Purple Neon Eye Goniopora (flowerpot)
Red Goniopora (flowerpot/Tonga)
Toxic Green Goniopora (flowerpot)
Metallic Green Hammer (Branch/Tonga)
Pacific Orange Ricordea mushroom
Aqua Orange Ricordea mushroom
Peppermint Shrimp
Fire Shrimp
Brittle Starfish (tiger)
Chocolate Chip Starfish
Orange Tip Torch (Cristata)
Freshwater Plants:
Assorted Plants - Anubius, Anubius on lava rock, Assorted Crypts (WENDTII DE WITT (RED), SAGITTARIA-BROADLEAF, Duckweed, Java Moss, Dwarf hairgrass, Hornwort, LIMNOPHILLA AROMATICA, Tiger Lotus (red), Monte Carlo, Moss Balls, Red Rubin & Vesuvius swords, & more...
Freshwater Fish:
Koi, Fancy veils, & Panda Angelfish
Jardini Arowana (approx. 5 inches)
Silver Arowana (approx. 5 inches)
Globarbs, gold barbs, odessa barbs, tiger barbs
Redtail Barracuda
Indonesian bettas (males, females, pairs) - these are gorgeous!
Bumblebee Catfish
Flash Plecostomus
Gold/Green Cory Catfish
Honeycomb catfish
Hoplo Catfish
Marble catfish (african)
Yellow (L200) pleco (medium and XL)
Black Belt Cichlid
Bolivian Ram Cichlid
Electric Blue Ram
Friedrichstahlii Cichlid
Red Devil Cichlids (approx. 6 inches)
Assorted danios (giant, lepoard, etc;)
Silver (Quad) Dat
Blue Royal Discus
Ocean Green Discus
Red Melon Discus
Red Pigeon Stone Discus
Turquoise Discus
Yellow Melon Discus
Dovii (baby)
Cherry Dragon Flowerhorn (large & XL)
Thai Silk Flowerhorn
Assorted Goldfish, Orandas, Pearlscale Orandas, Lionhead Orandas, Gold/Black Orandas
Peacock Gudgeon Goby
Assorted gourami
Fancy guppies
Hifin Loach
Lemon Oscars
Blood red parrotfish
Lemon Jake Peacock
Eureka Red Peacock
OB Peacock
Nyrei (XL)
Frontosa (XL)
Redtail & Rainbow Sharks
Roseline Sharks
Bleeding Blue Tetras
Glofish Tetras
Neon Tetras (large, XL, Jumbo, Black)
Rummynose Tetras
Silver Dollar Tetras - nice size!
Tiger Barbs
Longtail swordtails
Koi swordtails
Freshwater Inverts:
Red Claw Mackeral Shrimp Snails - Ivory, Mystery, Nerite (red, tiger, zebra), Purple,
Blue velvet, Blacki Rili, Green, Orange, Yellow Shrimp
Supplies, Aquariums, etc;
used 110 gallon reef ready aquarium
used 75 gallon reef ready frag aquarium
base rock
API - General cure, fungus cure, fungus guard, test kits, etc;
DB PROMAXX 1200 OVRFLW BOX - Sale $55 (new)
Hikari - Cichlid food, carnivore sticks, bloodworms, spirulina brine shrimp, beefheart, silverslides
Okiko - flowerhorn food (red and platinum)
Seachem - flourish, prime, fuel, reef fusion, purigen, metroplex, kanaplex, etc;
2019 - February e Gift Cards are now available! :)
2014-2019 We added approx. 1,000 items from numberous manu. - EHEIM, Fluval, AquaIllumination, Kessil, Ecotech Marine, API, Aqueon, Marineland, etc;
2014 - July We have a new storefront. 3946 South Howell Avenue & are now open daily from Noon to 6PM.
2014 - March We are now able to drop ship freshwater fish, saltwater fish, live rock, and more.
2014 - March Our first Joculator Angelfish sale. Thank you Fred & enjoy!!
2014 - March We are now partnered with CoralVue... to offer Reef Octopus, ELOS, maxspect, flipper, Coral rx.
2014 - January We received a special shipment of Black Arowanas from our partners at Aquatics, Inc.
2013 - November Assisted with the setup of a very nice SPS coral tank... with one of our favorite "Five Star Fish" clients (pics and more info. coming soon).
2013 September We launched the Milwaukee Aquatics website.
2013 - May We received our first saltwater fish shipment as Milwaukee Aquatics! We received them from our partners at Sea Dwelling Creatures.
2013 The birth of Milwaukee Aquatics! Renovation, launching, establishing distributors partnerships, launching our new website, re-connecting with
clients, etc;
2006 - 2012 We focused on tank maintenance and moving services & worked on launching a new fish business.
2001 - 2005 A.K.A. "Five Star Fish"! We offered live fish, reptiles, and feeders in Glendale, Wisconsin. We operated inside a "national pet supply franchise".
Here is a list of what arrived this week, what arrived recently, and other cool things that we can get this week.
Quite a while ago...
Shortbody Flowerhorns $13
African Odoe Pike "barracuda" $38
King Kong Parrot Fish (XXL) $25
Red Parrot Fish (medium) $10
Red Parrot Fish (XL) $25
Cherry Shrimp $3
Cuban Cichlid $6
Polleni Cichlid $7
Silver Arowana (approx. 4 inches) $20
Tropheus Moorii (red band/bemba flame) - Small $12 (2 for $23 or 3 for $34)
Albino Ancistrus Longfin (tank raised) Pleco $7
Lazurite (Sakura) Shrimp $4
1/2 Moon Betta (male) $7
Platinum 1/2 Moon Betta (male) $14
South American Redtail Catfish (tiny) $15
Hypostomus Pleco $4
Sidthimunki Botia $12
Green Spot Pike $14
Mpibwe Blue Frontosa $19
Electric Blue Jack Dempsey $19
Large Platies $2.50 (3 for $6.50)
Red Cap Oranda Goldfish $8
4 Inch Goldfish $1 (Red & White $2)
Red Snakeskin Guppies $1.50
Dwarf Clawed Frogs $3
Tropheus Duboisi $11 (3 for $30)
Eupterus Synodontis $5 (3 for $14)
Emperor Angelfish (small) $40
Harlequin Tusk (Juvenile/Baby) $45
Flame Angel $35
Kupang Damsel $6
Majestic Angel $60
Tricolor Wrasse (male) $20
Multibar Angel $50
Yellow Tang $24
Heniochus Butterfly $20
Harlequin Tusk (small or medium) $60
Live Rock - Fiji Premium $2/lb., Totoka $3/lb., Tukani $3/lb.
Chevron Tang (sale) $75
Black Longnose Tang (Sale) $250
75 Gallon Marineland/Perfecto Aquariums $105
90 Gallon Marineland/Perfecto Aquariums $175
Elive LED Track Lighting with removable/replaceable LED Pods 20-48 Inch units $40-$75
90 Gallon Marineland "Reef ready" corner overflow (includes the plumbing kit) $220
125 Gallon Marineland "Reef ready" corner overflow (includes the plumbing kit) $330
Arrived April 21, 2014...
Jumbo Cherry Barbs $3
Jumbo Longfin Black Tetras $3
Jumbo Tiger Barbs $3
Large Redtail Shark (catfish) $10
Imperator (Emperor) Angelfish (tiny) $40
Ignitus Anthias (female) - On hold
Banggai (Banner) Cardinalfish $14
Pajama (Orbic) Cardinalfish $10
Percula Clownfish (True/Tank Raised) $20 (2 for $35)
Platinum Picasso Clownfish (Tank Raised) $50
Panther Grouper (Tank Raised/Small) $20
Dwarf Lionfish (Africa) - On Hold
Powder Brown Tang (Medium) - On Hold
Gold Heart Trigger (Africa) $115
Lineatus Fairy Wrasse (Male/Australia) $115
Ruby Red Dragonet - On Hold
Bubble Anemone (small) $25
Rose Bubble Anemone (small) $30
Blue Leg Reef Hermit Crab (Atlantic) $.75
Cleaner Shrimp $18
40lb. boxes of Texas Holy Rock $80, the full line of Tetra Glo Fish Aquarium Kits & LEDs, Zilla reptile screen covers - 10-55 Gallon, Rena Filstar XP Canister Filters & more...
The last few weeks...
Saltwater... Crosshatch Trigger, Clarion Angelfish (tank raised), Randall's Anthias, Swalesi Basslet, Tricolor Fairy Wrasse, Blue Sided F. Wrasse, Tiger (Wardi) Goby
Available this week... Africanus Angelfish, Semilarvatus Butterfly, Blueface angel, Black Dogface Puffer.
Other cool things that we can get this week...
Dragon Eel (Japan), Catalina Goby, Sailfin Jawfish, Metallic Foxface, Gem Tang (Hawaii), Balteatus Fairy Wrasse (Male/Marshall Islands), Cuttlefish (baby or egg), Rock Beauty Angel, Wartskin Angler, Borbonius Anthias, Yellow Assessor, Blue Boxfish (Male), Domino Ocellaris Clown, Ultra Onyx Picasso (tank raised), Snowflake Clownfish (Grade A/Tank Raised), Geometric Pygmy Hawk, Radiata Lionfish, Fu Manchu Lionfish, Stellatus Puffer, Reidi Seahorse (black), Erectus Seahorse (black), Comes Seahorse, Horn Shark, Shovelnose Shark, Achilles Tang, Black Shoulder Tang, Blue Tang (yellow belly), Fowleri Tang, Gem Tang, Blueline Trigger (large), Harlequin Tusk, Pompano (tank raised) & more.
Jumbo Crowntail Betta, Crowntail (male) Betta, Black Orchid Crowntail Betta, Male Half Moon Double Betta, Male Longfin Dragon Betta, Dumbo 1/2 Moon Betta, Male Short Tail Betta, Tropheus Moori (Bemba), Frontosa "Mpimbwe Blue", Tropheus Ikola (Kaiser), Denisonii Barb (tank raised), Mini Dovii, Crystal Red Peacock, Navy Blue Shrimp, Crystal Red Shrimp, Black Arowana (baby), C. Leptosoma, Longfin Ancistrus Pleco (tank raised), Redtail (S. American) Catfish, Electric Blue Jack Dempsey, Glo-Tetra (grenn, purple, orange, & pink), Redspot Gold Severum, Orange Shoulder Severum, Jardini Arowana, and more.
Red Head Tapajo (3")
Red spot turquoise severum
Red spot gold severum
Green Texas (4")
Green Terror (5")
Blue Rams
Electric Blue Rams
Lwanda Peacock (4")
Red top lwanda peacock (3")
Lemon Jake Peacock (3")
Red Shoulder Peacock (4")
Red Cap Lethrinops (4")
Dot-Dash Flasher Fairy Wrasse
Bicolor angelfish
Koran angelfish
Neon Dottyback
Royal Gramma
Black sailfin blenny
Pajama Cardinalfish
Gladiaton & Premium Gladiator Clownfish
Black ice ocellaris clownfish
Flurry ocellaris clownfish
Onyx Picasso Percula clownfish
Extreme picaso clownfish
Snowflake Clownfish
Blue Reef Chromis
Assorted damselfish
Dwarf Lionfish
Marine Betta
Bluespot (orange tail) puffer
Sailfin Tang
Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse
Harlequin Serpeant Startfish
Purple lobster
Red Bam Bams Zoas
Sunny D's Zoas
Scrambled Eggs Zoas
Red worm brain
Green Galaxea
Fuzzy blue mushroom
Metallic toadstool
Green favia
Green Nepthea
Green Hammers
Cotton Candy Chalice
Toxic Green candy cane
Week of April 10...
Copadichromis trewavasae "Mloto Likoma"4” males$30.00
Humphead Glassfish
Red Top Lwanda
Silver Arowana
Betta Dumbo Plakat half moon $10
Sabalo Barracuda (aprox. 6") $65
Sabalo Barracuda (aprox. 6.5") $80
Lapradei Koliba Bichir (approx. 4")
Nile Bichir (bichir bichir) (approx. 6")
Black Diamond Piranha (approx. 6")
Black Piranha - Xingu/Brazil (aprox. 6")
Neo. Multifasciatus (shell dewellers) - approx. 1"
Seachem Tidal Filters (new)
Black/Blue Arowana (approx. 9") $180 - only 1 left 1/12/17
Cuban Cichlid (appox. 4") $15
White Tiger King Kamfa Flowerhorn $375
Spotted (approx. 3") "Leichardti Arowana - available in 7 days or less
Macro Aqua Protein Skimmer - internal/in sump (rated to 210 gallons) $120
Biohome Ultra filter Media (sold per pound)
Zoo Med Eco Earth (3 pack/bricks) $5
Too many to list at this time... updates coming soon.
Desjardini Sailfin Tang (Red Sea) $39
Lemon Oscar $16 (3 for $45)
super king kamfa & super king red dragon flowerhorns (approx. 4 inches with big humps) $55-$70
Armatus Barracuda (approx. 4") $75
Blue Diamond Discus $50, large = $100
Purple Dark Angel Discus $60
Snow White Discus $50
Male Red Cockatoo Ram (tank raise) $8, large-jumbo show males $15
Triple Red Cockatoo proven breeding pair (jumbo) $35
Orange Cockatoo proven breeding pair (tank raised/jumbo) $35
Orange Cockatoo males (tank raised) $10, large show males $18
Payara Barracuda (approx. 4") $50
Water Cow Fish (approx. 9") $35
Black Arowana (small) $70-$90
Tangerine Tiger $10-$15
Platinum Betta $10
Wolf Cichlid "parachromis dovii" (small) $7
Thai Silk Flowerhorn (approx. 7" show male) $125
Star Sapphire Placid. sp. "Phenochilus Tanzania" $10
Aulonacara sp. "Blue Neon Tanzania" (approx. 4" show male) $40
Aulonacara hueseri "Midnight" Peacock (approx. 2") $10
Aulonacara sp. "Lwanda" (approx. 2") $10
Aulonacara sp. "Maleri" (Rubin Red/approx. 2") $12
Aulonacara sp. "Maulana Bi Color" (approx. 4 inch show male) $40
Aulonacara sp. Maylandi "Sulfurhead" (approx. 2") $10
Aulonacara sp. "Red Dragon" (approx. 2") $10
Copadichromis trewavasae "Mloto Likoma" (approx. 3") $13
Labeotropheus trewavasae (Red top & Orange) $8
Metriaclima sp. "Elongatus Chewere" $8
Red Tiger Severum "Heros sp." (True/Rio Curare) - approx. 1.5" $15
Ancistrus sp. "long fin green dragon" (tank raised) $15
Ancistrus sp. "Super Red" (tank raised) $14
Red Whiptail Cat "Rineloricaria sp. $15
Purple Tang $125
Orange Shoulder Tang $30
Red Sea "Desjardini" Sailfin Tang $45
Foxface $25
Mandarin Dragonette $15
Blonde Naso Tang $40
Tomini "flame fin" Tang $30
Black & White Heniochus Butterfly $25
Staghorn Damsel $6
Clown Trigger (small) $45
Grand Sumo Flowerhorn & Cichlid Food (large/550gram) $28
Southern Delight Fish Food - Starting at $10
Aquatop Media Reactor 152gph $53
Dr Tim's NP Active Pearls (450ML) $20
Mag Float Glass Cleaners - Sale (all sizes)
JW Fusion Check Valve $2
Freeze Dried Shrimp (10oz.) $11
AZOX Coral Food $17
SunSun Canister Filters:
- HW603B - 106gph, up to 20 gallons (with media) $30
- HW302 - 264gph, up to 75 gallons $47
- HW505B - 264gph, includes a 9 watt UV sterilizer & rated to 75 gallons (auto prime) $70
- HW303B - 370gph, includes a 9 watt UV sterilizer & rated to 125 gallons $72
- HW304B - 525gph, includes a 9 watt UV sterilizer & rated to 175 gallons $85
Manzanita Driftwood Large (really nice!) $30
SunSun Heaters:
- JRB-210 (100 watts & up to 30 gallons) $12
- JRB-220 (200 watts & up to 55 gallons) $13
- JRB-230 (300 watts & up to 75 gallons) $14
- JRB-250 (500 watts & up to 125 gallons) $16
Kelberi Peacock Bass $25
Lungfish (approx. 8") $25
Gulper Catfish $75
Xingu Peacock Bass (approx. 5") $100
S. American Redtail Catfish (baby) $20
Hybrid shovelnose catfish (approx. 15") $50 - sold
Dovii (approx. 6-7") $45
Malawi Trout (approx. 8") $100
Blue Orchid Peacock (approx. 5" show male) $45
Otter Point Peacock (approx. 4-5" show male) $40
Peacock Bass $11 (3 for $28)
Redtail Catfish $18
Wolf Fish $35
Tropheus Duboisi $7 (3 for $18)
Frontosa $9 (3 for $25)
Usisya Peacock (adult show male) $18
Hap Flameback $8
Amphilophus trimaculatus (approx. 6") F-1 "Rio Naranja" Guatemala sourced from Dan Sharifi of Cichlids of the Americas $50
Caquetaia umbriferum (approx. 4") "San Rafael" Colombia Black Gorillas umbees sourced from Dan Sharifi of Cichlids of the Americas. $20
Parachromis dovii (approx. 5") Tank-raised Costa Rican dovii from West Coast Cichlid Culture. No collection point provided. $25
Clown Trigger $40
Metallic Foxface $45
Coral Beauty Angel $21
Mantis Shrimp (peacock/large) $30
Geometric Pygmy Hawk $15
Webb Burr Puffer $30
Banded Cat Shark Egg $28
Bubble Tip Anemone $25
Kenya Tree Frag $5
Blue Zoa Coral $10
Gold Hammer Coral $30
Purple Tang $115
Yellow Leaf Fish $40
Ocellaris Clownfish (tank raised) $12 (2 for $22)
Orchid Dottyback (tank raised) $25
Darwin (black & white) Clownfish $25
Snowflake Clownfish $30
Wyoming White Clownfish $35
Flurry Clownfish $35
Domino Clownfish $40
Black Ice Clownfish $45
Black Phantom Clownfish $55
SunSun Canister Filters:
- HW603B - 106gph, up to 20 gallons (with media) $33
- HW302 - 264gph, up to 75 gallons $55
- HW505B - 264gph, includes a 9 watt UV sterilizer & rated to 75 gallons (auto prime) $80
- HW303B - 370gph, includes a 9 watt UV sterilizer & rated to 125 gallons $85
- HW304B - 525gph, includes a 9 watt UV sterilizer & rated to 175 gallons $95
Manzanita Driftwood Large (really nice!) $30
SunSun Heaters:
- JRB-210 (100 watts & up to 30 gallons) $12
- JRB-220 (200 watts & up to 55 gallons) $13
- JRB-230 (300 watts & up to 75 gallons) $14
- JRB-250 (500 watts & up to 125 gallons) $16
Grand Sumo Flowerhorn & Cichlid Food $28
Southern Delight Fish Food
Elive Advanced Series 24-36" Dual Track LED light $100
Majestic Angelfish (medium/pellet trained) $75
Please contact us for our current stock. We currently are unable to post all of the fish that we are receiving each week.
Fahaka Puffer (tank raised) $15
Green Spotted Puffer $6
Sabertooth Barracuda $35
Redtail Catfish (south American) $18
Endicheri Polypterus $18
Redbelly Piranha $4 (3 for $10)
Geayi Pike (approx. 7 inches) $25
Red Tiger Managuense (approx. 7"/show male) $35
Super Red Dragon Flowerhorn $3
Blonde Naso Tang $40
Coral Beauty Angelfish $21
Bicolor Angelfish $22
Blue Hippo Tang "Dory" $30
Sargassum Angler $25
Rectangulus Trigger $15
Misbar Clownfish (Bali) - tank raised $16
Platinum Picasso Clownfish (Bali) - tank raised $20
Extreme Picasso Clownfish (Bali) - tank raised $50
Nebula Clownfish (Bali) - tank raised $50
White Arowana (approx. 13") $650 - available by special order
Powder Blue Tang $35
Harlequin Tusk (med./large) $65
Cleaner Wrasse $15
Finnex heaters - starting at $27
Aquatop Dual Digital Thermometer $10
Python No Spill Clean N' Fill Aquarium Maintenance System (25ft.) $38, (50ft.) $57
Orange Anthias $15
Lookdown (tank raised) $55
Cleaner Wrasse $15
Coral Beauty Angel $21 (pellet trained)
Halloween (orange leg) hermit crab $6 (3 for $16)
Horseshoe Crab $10
Valentini Puffer $10
Flame Angel $35
Blue Tang "Dory" (small/med.) $30
Vanderbilt Chromis $12
Tiger Wardi Goby $20, large $25
Blonde Naso Tang $35
Powder Blue Tang $35
Blue Hippo Tang (Dory) $30
Yellow Tang $22
Alleni Damsel $6
Kupang Damsel $6
Niger Trigger $13
Emperor Angel $40
Yellow Target Dragonette $15
Ruby Red Dragonette $15
Striped Dogface Puffer (tiny/small) $15
Pink Convicts $2 (3 for $4)
Dwarf gold/green pea puffer $3 (3 for $8)
Convicts 2 for $1
Nicaraguense (small to medium) $1 (6 for $5)
Yellow Marlboro Discus $40
Zebra Oto (Otocinclus) $13
Red Flame Discus (XL) $55
Electric Blue Ram $10
Blue Ram $5 (3 for $13)
Silver Arowana (approx. 6 inches) $35
Firemouth $1 (6 for $4)
Electric Blue Jack Dempsey $15
Taiwan Reef - Protomelas Steveni (XL/show male) $40
Sunshine Peacock (XL show male) $40
Sulfurhead (XL/show male) $40
Fuscotaeniatus Hap "Nimbochromis fuscotaeniatus" (XL/show male) $40
Red Shoulder Peacock (3" male) $20
Phosban (150 gram) $18
Macro Aqua M-50 Protein Skimmer (60 gallon) $65
SunSun Canister Filters...
HW-302 with media set (264gph/up to 75 gallons) $55
HW-704B with media set & 9 watt uv sterilizer (525gph/up to 200 gallons) $85
18” Zetlight Lancia ZP-4000 Waterproof LED (Marine) $55
Zetlight Lancia Signal Receiver $13
Zetlight Lancia ZP-4000 Controller $35
Stainless Steel Scissors (Macro Aqua) $10
Seachem PhosBond (250ml) $8
Tropic Marin PRO-CORAL ZOOTON 100ml
Base Rock...
Texas Holy Rock $1.50 per pound or $55 for the entire 40 pound box!
Lace Rock $2 per pound or $50 per $50 for the entire 25 pound box!
Estes white or black sand (5lb. bags) $4 (3 for $10)
Hikari Metro+ (3.4oz.) $5
ChemiClean Red Algae (2gram) $15
Jebao RW circ. pumps & DC pumps
New Life Spectrum Floating (190gram/3mm) $11
New Life Spectrum Community (150gram/1mm) $7
New Life Spectrum Medium Fish (300gram/2mm) $11
Hikari Staple (8.8oz.) $6, (17.6oz.) $11
Coral Frenzy .5mm Reef pellet 70 gram $14
Coral Frenzy 1mm Reef pellet 70 gram $14
CPR in tank refugium (CITRPRO) $45
Rossmont M-900 (smallest circulation pumps by category) $45
Eshopps RS-200 (limited Edition/3rd generation) Sump $220
Reef Octopus Classic 150SS Protein Skimmer
Aqueon ProFlex Sump Filter #2 (to 75 gallons) $180, #3 (up to 110 gallons) $190, #4 (up to 210 gallons) $245
Coral Frenzy $14
Aqua Illumination Prime/Hydra 26, 52
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