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Clownfish or anemonefish are fishes from the subfamily Amphiprioninae in the family Pomacentridae. In the wild they all form symbiotic mutualisms with sea anemones. Clownfish are native to warmer waters of the Indian and Pacific oceans, including the Great Barrier Reef and the Red Sea. Clownfish live at the bottom of shallow seas in sheltered reefs or in shallow lagoons. There are no clownfish in the Atlantic.
Black Edge Percula Clown (True & T.R.)
Cinnamon Clownfish Maroon Clownfish (Gold Stripe) Ocellaris Clownfish (Tank Raised) Onyx Clownfish (Grade A & T.R.) Platinum Picasso Clownfish T.R. = Tank Raised Available in 3 days or less... Akindynos Clown: Pair; Aus. Barberi (Tomato) Clown: T.R. Clarks Clown: Black; T.R. Clarks Clown: Pearly Eye; T.R. Clarks: Picasso B Grade T.R. Domino Ocellaris Clown; T.R Midnight Ocellaris Clown; T.R Ocellaris Clown: Super: T.R. Ocellaris Clown: Blk&Wht; T.R Ocellaris Clown: Naked: T.R. Orange Skunk Clown: True; T.R. Percula Clown: True; T.R. Percula Clown: True: Select Picasso Clown: Platinum; T.R. Picasso Clown: A Grade; T.R. Picasso Clown: B Grade; T.R. Picasso Clown: C Grade; T.R. Pink Skunk Clown; Fiji Rose Skunk Clown Saddle Clown: Gold & Blk; T.R. Sebae Clown: True; T.R. Snowflake:: Half Saddle; T.R. Snowflake Clown: Bandit; T.R Snowflake: Phantom; T.R Snowflake Clown: A Grade T.R Snowflake Clown: B Grade T.R Snowflake Clown: Ultra; T.R Tomato Clown |
*Grade A - Tank Raised
Starting at $55 Low Stock Platinum Picasso Clownfish
Starting @ $35 In Stock |
Ocellaris Clownfish (Tank Raised)
"Amphiprion ocellaris" Starting at $20 In Stock |
"Premnas biaculeatus"
Starting at $20 Out of Stock Black Edge Percula Clown
"Amphiprion percula" In Stock |
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